Saturday, June 19, 2010
Date Night
I wish I had taken pictures to show everyone. Jeremy and I had one of the funnest date nights we've had since we were dating. We went to a church activity without children (thank you Mom). It was a lot of fun. Jeremy started by swimming. I started the social round about saying hi to everyone. Than volleyball got started. I was enjoying three on three when Jeremy discovered what was going on. He got in on the game and it turned into boys against girls. FUN. we didn't keep score but I think the girls won. Then we went canoeing. Jeremy decided to challenge another childless coupe to a race. I got in the canoe and not even thirty seconds later I was in the water. Turns out that canoe was easily tipped. We did race though. we made it there and back we didn't win but that wasn't really the point. The other couple asked if we wanted to switch canoes and try again. I was game. So we started and made it through large waves other stuff. Jeremy discovered we had a chance at winning and through all his weight into paddling. Tipped the canoe in the middle of the river. I caught the boat and Jeremy got the oars and we were able to flip it over and get back in. We headed for the shore and the boat began to sink. By the time we got back to shore the boat was under water. It is really nostalgic for us because these are the things we fell in love doing. Wonderful night. Bad canoers great team, lot of love!