One of our favorite place to go on a snow day is the library. Yesterday was a snow day so can you guess where we went? First we went for a drive in search of a great view jeremy told me about on his way to work. I don't know if you can see it but the trees are frosted over with snow and ice. Simply beautiful. Then we went to the library. First thing was noticing Jaedon had no shirt on under his jacket only a vest. Whan I asked him where his shirt was (I know I out one on him) he replied by saying "I'm a cowboy baby" with a fake country accent and everything. Daddys like of Kid Rock is rubbing off. Then we had fun. We put together some puzzles and I read them a couple of books. Then JJ and I read "The Cat in the Hat" together. I was worried because our volume kept getting higher and higher as the story went on until the librian came over so she could hear the story as well. Then JJ read us a Hhandy Manny book and we went home. Perfect day!