Saturday, October 31, 2009
Fun at the Library
Today is halloween and we wanted to have fun and spend some time with the kids outside of the house. First we went to the park. Then we went to the library. We went to Shepherd University and the kids had a ball. All the new books we haven't read before.

Friday, October 30, 2009
Pumpkin Painting
Halloween is just arond the corner and we are in the spirit. We bought costumes, made candy, and of course painted pumkins. The kids had so much fun. JJ was very attentive and made sure to get everything he could see. Jaedon loved doing the paint. When a side got full he asked me to turn his pumpkin. Kaylee is still too young for painting but she sat with us and had a ball talking to her brothers.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Football and Cheerleading
This has been a wonderful season for Ashlee and Edward. Ashlee decided to give cheerleading one more try, last year she tried and hated it, an found she loves to cheer. She is very good and very encouraging to the girls around her. That why she was Cheer Captain.Edward is a great team player. He started first string all year. His team has one game to go and they are undefeated. He is a great team player and really would do anything to help his tam to victory. Congratulations on one great season Ashlee and Edward.

Washing Paper Plates
As you already know Jaedon Had his third birthday party this week. H picked out matching plates cups napkins and silver ware. Today I used the last of the plates to make smores for the family. Jaedon discovered that I did this and cried because Big Birds face was dirty. And that my friends is why I'm washing paper plates.

Jaedon's Birthday
Jaedon Turns three on October 30th. We has a party this week because Halloween falls on Saturday this year. He had a lot of fun. Many people canceled because the Swine Flu is going around. (Thank goodness they canceled because we don't want to share) We had dinner with the Browns, a family from our ward and Rick and Becke. We started the the kids coloring our table cloth, they were supposed to, and using some stamps and stickers. Then we played had dinner cake and Ice cream. Jaedon had so much fun and hes still talking about it today. I didn't take a lot of pictures but here are a few.

The Underware Monster
Life with children is so great. Last night I had a run in with the Underware Monster. On his way to bed last night JJ had an accident, his underware got wet while brushing his teeth. I sent him into his room to get a new pair on and thought nothing of it. Twenty minutes later while I was puttig Kaylee to sleep JJ came down the stairsand tells me he can't find ant underware. I sent him up again. I di laundry this morning and put four pair in there. After a fewminutes he comes back down stairs and I decided to go up and get them myself. I opened the drawer and low and behold theres no underware. I asked the boys where they went and jaedon told me the underware monster came to get them. I found a pair of shorts for JJ and did a load of laundry for Sunday moring. This morning I got up and and began to get the boys ready frchurch. I started with JJ then Kaylee. When it was Jaedons turn I took off his pajamas and there was truely a sight to be seen. Not one, not two, not three, but four pairs of underware. From now on its Jaedon the underware monster.
The Mexican Restaurant
After the Air and Space Museum we took advantage of the lunch special at a local Mexican restaurant. The food was great but as even better was the fun we had. We ate all the chips then Kaylee used the Basket for a hat. When she dropped it, it was JJ to the rescue. When Jaedon heard the laughing he got in on the fun too.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Air and Space Museum
Jeremy and I have been married for 6 years today!!! We are so excited! We have been talking for about a week and where we want to go but it has been raining for days and we knew it would be to wet to do what we wanted so last night I got a crazy idea how about we go to the Air and Space Museum for our anniversary. We thought about it and decided it was a great idea and then we decided to take the kids with us. It was amazing. Jeremy had never been before so he took a guided tour and the children and I ran around looking and playing. We had so much fun it was great and Jeremy really enjoyed learning about the different planes and when they were used.

JJ and Jaedon looking at the planes.

When we passed the space shuttle I knelt down and was telling the boys how this could go to the moon and how far away it was. JJ got very excited and proudly proclaimed "Mommy we can have one of these for Christmas." It was even funnier as the people around us began to comment on how we could all use one or two for getting around.

JJ and Jaedon looking at the planes.

When we passed the space shuttle I knelt down and was telling the boys how this could go to the moon and how far away it was. JJ got very excited and proudly proclaimed "Mommy we can have one of these for Christmas." It was even funnier as the people around us began to comment on how we could all use one or two for getting around.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Congratulatons Jesse and Tiffany
Recently my Mothers cousins son got married, I think that makes us second cousins. I am very happy for them they seem to be a perfect couple. We (Jeremy and I) were able to attend the wedding and reception. We were also lucky enough to have so many family members from all over. Here are some of the pictures. Unfortunately not all of my pictures came out but I hope you will enjoy them.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Learned to use the Pedals
Jeremy and I have been working with Jaedon for a while now on using the pedals when he rides the tricycle. He has been making progress but the other day things seemed to all work together and he was able to ride using the pedals seemlessly. Fortunately I took some pictures.

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